
Showing posts from December, 2012

Bad Dream Ever

hoLa peepz! 3 ari berturut2 ne aku mimpi buruk. pelik pla. baru tu, semua menakutkn n semua meninggalkan persoalan. 1st day aku mimpi something yg bkaitan dgn dua belah family. then, drg cm saling menyalahkan kami berdua. pastu , kawan pn ada terlibat sama. yg ne complicated la mau cerita.huhu tapi betul2 menakutkan.  2nd day, aku mimpi dada aku di kerat. rasa sakit yang melampau ne. macam time 2 aku betul2 ada dalam situasi tu n aku nmpak n rasa sendiri pisau tu d cucuk. muka org yg cucuk aku tu, aku langsung nda igt.  Paling sandi, orang sekeliling cm nda nampak ne. kiranya, aku ja sendiri2 kesakitan, darah banyak mengalir. Bila di sedar, baru la d bawa p hospital. then d jait. kesan parut pn masi aku igt d kpala otak aku ne. tym aku tebangun dr tidur pn masi lae trasa sakit tu. 3rd day, aku mimpi dikejar orang jahat. mula2 aku dapat lari. tapi tba2 datang lagi org jahat tu p kejar aku. sampai la aku xcident. muka org jahat tu pn aku x nmpk. dia just pakai ...

Cara Mencantikkan FB.

so... ramai yg mau tau kn cmna mau kc cantik 2 fb... bosan ba kn lau itam putih ja .. btaun2 itu ja style dia.. btw, thanx juga la tuk pembuatnya coz mengasi cool lagi fb ne.. hehe.. Step 1 ~ FB REFRESH Fb refresh ni utk yg di depan. tempat login tu. Contohnya gini : 1st ~ pastikan chrome saja yg bleh guna benda ne. 2nd~ search d Google, Fb Refresh 3rd ~ install, then ikut la langkah2 yg dia ajar tu. 4th ~ mau set gambar, Setting - Extension - Upload pic - Save Step 2 ~ FB STYLISH yg ne pn smart juga. tp ak x brapa suka coz time aku install dlu, bikin sakit mata. hehe. tp spa2 yg bminat tu, try ja. byk theme bleh ja FB THEME.. Contoh,  sama jua ceritanya ne cm d atas... install, setting, extension & save . PM ja if confuse ka paning2 ka.. :) Gudluck ! ^^

getting ready ^__^

bru ja happy2 dapat luluz penuh on 10th december, then yesterday, 11th december, dapat call frm one of the biggest company in labuan, telling me to go for an interview on saturday.. guess what? i just like??? OH MY GOD!!! i cant believe it! i was just so excited on that time. maybe, juz my luck kn...bukan alang2 org bilang....haha.. Thanx God :) a very million thanx. but that's not d end. blum abiz lae cerita kawan.. haha.. this company is not as easy as we thought. not only they want a good result or anything that every graduate thought when searching for a job. before the interview, we need to take a test first. yaa,, juz like the final exam..likely.. huhu.. if pass the test, then we can go to stage 2. an interview. suddenly, my excitement slowly fade away.hahaha.. well, now.. 3 more days to go. i need to well prepare. need to study for the basic mechanical, once again. igt lepaz suda dr mecha things bla bla bla bla ne... o damn,,,, huhuhuuhu Lastly, i really need my luck o...


Thanx God, sgala persoalan 2 mggu ne tjawab juga.. nda sgka aku luluz penuh. berakhir lah suda perjuangan 3 taun ku d POLITEKNIK KOTA KINABALU sbg student Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal..  happy gilak!! haha... akhirnya.. nda sia2 usaha ku slama ne... mungkin dlu ak pna kecundang,, besa la,, zaman remaja.. hoho... nda pa,, yg pnting sgala ksilapan dlu d tebus .. target pointer pn dapat.. nda pna jatuh.. truzzz naik... yeahaaaaa... !!! still excited but bsyukur sgt2 dgn result ku... thanx tuk suma.. especially parents, thanx 4 ur bless. thanx 2 lecturer. sama kawan2 juga yg sama2 blajar sma aku spnjang 3 taun ne... :) pas ne, plan cari keja.. arap2 dapat.. mau balaz budi parents lagi... God, bless me. Amen.

Stop chasing the wrong things-Episode 2

Stop lying to yourself. You can lie to anyone else in the world , but u can't lie t o yourself .   Our lives improve only when we take chances , and the first and most difficult chance we can take is to be honest with ourselves.

Stop chasing the wrong things-episode 1

Stop spending time with the wrong people.   Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.  If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you.   You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot.  Never ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth.    And remember, it’s not the people that stand by your side when you’re at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you’re at your worst that are your true friends. p/s : self reminded. take note :)