
Showing posts from 2013

When Someone Hate You

Afternoon Peepz,  Hope semuanya baik2 belaka,sihat walafiat. Lama suda jari2 aku x menari dalam blog ne. maklum la sibuk. Banyak sbenarnya cerita yg ku mau sampaikan ne tapi ada satu cerita ne ja yg menarik phatian ku sgt. pa2 pn pasal kehidupan aku juga kan. Begini ceritanya, Masa aku mula2 masuk keja dlu, aku ramai kawan. Tapi ada sorang kawan ne,yaa lelaki. Umur mau dekat 40 la. Tua n bujang. Ada juga la dia crita2 sal masa silamnya,kononnya dia slalu d tggalkan gf la pa la. ya la kan. dr prangai pn boleh tau,spa juga tahan kn. So mau d jadikan crita, dia ne jenisnya gatalan juga la. Aku slalu jadi mangsa getek nya tu. Bila datang gila dia, dia sentuh2 aku, pegang2 aku. Annoying juga la time tu tapi mula2 tu, ya la main2. Tapi lama2 makin kurang ajar, makin rimas la. Kes ne boleh jadi sex harrasment suda kalau blnjutan. Nasib aku ne masi berakal. Nda lama pas tu, aku hilang sabar, di situ juga dia cakap kotor, then tkeluar la angin sgala ribut ku ne p tegur dia. Aku j...

weird day

Hi u ols! Mesti smalam  tengok barca vs mas kan.. hahahah... sabo je la mun kalah. Adat prlawanan. Hihi. This was happened two days ago, ada la ne 1 of d engineer says good morning to me. Tapi yang peliknya, dia cakap "pagi shila" then I saw him looking at me. Try la juga tengok sekeliling. Teda sapa2 pun dalam engineers room masa tu. so aku confident la dia wish aku bukan org lain.  Dia pun confident nya sebut nama aku shila.. if im not mistaken, my name should be anne.. haha guess he knows me but he doesnt know my name. Haha amboiii... rupanya slama ne msti dia igt nama aku shila kan. Padahal shila tu receptionist kitorang.  Boleh2 dia salah.shila receptionist x pakai coverall la cik abang oi. Anne ne yg pakai coverall. Haha  Hmm bru ja balik dari keja ne. Penat sangat, what to do. Periuk nasi kita kena jaga. Masa depan dalam genggaman sendiri. Kalau dapat kawen dengan org kaya x pa, boleh duduk rumah ja goyang kaki shopping sana shopping sini menghabiskan...

Love Means each person is free to follow his/her own heart.

Dear Boy, I do not know who u are, or where or wen we will meet, but i do hope it is soon. I pray that when we meet & fall in love, u will love me, for me & not hope for someone is thinner & prettier. I hope u won't compare me to girls who may have brighter smiles. I hope that u will make me laugh, take care of me if i get sick, & be trustworthy. I hope u will remember that i prefer daises to roses, & that my favorite color changes with my mood. Please know that my eyes aren't blue nor grey, but brown. Deep brown. Please know that i may be shy, i won't slap u or push u away. When we go on a date, please don't be stress about where to take me, what's important is that i'll be with u. If i cry, please know . just hold me close, & i'll heal quickly. & if it is because of u, i'll heal just the same. & if we decide to break up, please understand that i may be bitter, but i'd like 2 be your friend if u let me. I p...

Girl, a message from a boy.

" i love the way she looks at me, as i'm the only one in d world . i love the way she talks to me & that she comes out with the cutest names which she's not afraid to use in front of her friends. I love the way she's mean to me, n how she's always holds my hand to show it was just a joke. i love that she's tries her best to be happy with her life just because she knows it's important to me. I love her facial expressions, & her adorable smile. I love her lil smile she does when i compliment her, just like others who love to see her smile & i am lucky to see it everyday even though she doesn't believe it. I can tell it's still means a lot. I love how she always worries about what i want & would give anything 2 make me happy. I love that she plans our whole future, knowing with absolute certainly that we'll be together forever. I love that she works hard to deal with the pains of a long distance relationship even when she h...


This is what i usually do with my lovely  guitar. Sambil bergitar sambil berpuitis.. Ceii ! hhaah This is for someone that i really love. feel free to play this link below.  Enjoy :)

Lots of love from me :) ❤

Hallo peepz!  Really miss my blog.. lama suda x bemanja sama dia.. hihi.. miss na miss kita bloggy~~ aww... haha  So, sperti mana yg kita tau, tomorrow ada la Father's day. Mula2 bpikir juga apa mau kasi c dady ne.. ya la.. tau la father's day bukan staun skali d sambut, ari2 kunun.. jan la cetek itu pikiran.. asal sambut mother's day, truz la mau cakap ari2 spatutnya ari ibu.. persoalannya, adaka kamu,kamu n kamu sebagai anak, hari2 ka kamu buat dia happy? hari2 kah kamu bagi dia hadiah? hari2 kah kamu bawa dia jalan2 makan2 satu family? x kan... father's day n mother's bukan lah haram sangat ( bagi aku la ) . kita bagi happy mum n dad kita, bukan nya kamu d suruh mnyambut apa tu, yg kamu cakap tu lau mother's day haram, yg kamu blang kristian yg sambut kan.  Klu niat kita menyambut Hari Ibu pada tanggal 9 mei mengikut wikipedia tu..,sememangnya Haram..tetapi klu niat kita menyambut hari ibu itu adalah itu meraikan insan yg bernama ibu..,adalah tidak hara...

getting close to heart break

My heart need a vacation.should I? No one cares especially u. U've been happy with ur life but u forget im one of it.u forgot u're missing 1 piece that really need ur attention. Now u will going far away in these few days but still u wasted my precious time. I dont care what people might say but please do me a favor.dont treat me bad. Thats all. Nite.

nO One really knOws me.

Hi peepz. its been such a long time since my last post. i constantly wonder how my life looks in other's people eyes. Do they think i have it easy? Do they think i have nothing going on for myself? or are they fascinated with who i am?  The thing is that people are so quick to judge nowadays. U only see a person from what they want & allow u to see. I always try to look as put together as i can, & i guess that's my way of hiding the truth. It's just the way that everyone will assume that everything in my life is okay, that i never go through anything.  If only everyone knew how broken i am, & how i am holding on for dear life on this last strand  taht recently become very delicate.the truth is, no one really knows me. No one will ever know me, & sometimes that scares me, because no one will ever know why i am the way i am. 

once u've seen the T.R.U.T.H

Once you have seen the truth you must make the decision to let go of the pain, anger, and resentment you have been holding on to. This requires you to take action. If you are attached to your pain, resentment, and self-righteousness, and addicted to your emotional reactions, this will be a difficult step for you. Taking action requires letting go of the very thing you have been holding on to for so many years.There is comfort in what we find familiar,even if we are experiencing pain and suffering.The pain and suffering itself becomes the familiarity we seek. It takes absolute faith in yourself plus courage, will, and discipline to let go. But once you let go, it will be as if the weight of the world has been taken off your shoulders. In this process it is important to forgive not just the others in our lives, but also ourselves. For most people, giving ourselves the gift of forgiveness is very challenging.

kalau tak suka, pulangkan (sad story)

Kereta dihentikan betul-betul di hadapan rumah. Pintu pagar automatiknya terbuka. Perlahan kereta dihalakan ke dalam garaj. “Horey!  Papa balik!” Kelihatan anak-anaknya berlari mengiringi keretanya. “Tepi! Bahaya tau tak?” Jeritnya. Anak-anak termanggu. Cahaya kegembiraan di wajah mereka pudar. “Aimin bawa adik ke belakang.” Arahnya pada anak yang sulong. Pulangnya petang itu disambut dingin oleh anak-anak. Isterinya turut terdiam bila mendengar anak-anak mengadu tentang papa mereka. “Papa penat. Aimin bawa adik mandi dulu. Mama siapkan minum petang. Lepas minum papa mesti nak main bola dengan kita,” pujuk Laila. Dia yang mendengar di ruang tamu hanya mendengus. Seketika kemudian terdengar hilai tawa anak-anaknya di bilik mandi. Dia bangun. “Hah! Main air. Bil bulan ini papa kena bayar dekat seratus. Cepat! Tutup paip tu! Buka shower!” Sergahnya. Suara yang bergema mematikan tawa anak-anaknya. “Asal saya balik rumah mesti bersepah. Kain baju berselerak. Apa awak makan tidur aje ke ...

when someone ask me when i'll get married.

when someone ask me when i'll get married. i answered,  "ask God. don't ask me."  :)  4 me, marriage is a huge responsiblity. im a fresh graduate n i've just started my career, i dont even have my own car n home yet (not like d others,depend on their parents to buy them car n other things) i still have a long journey of life. i want my own car, my own home n other things,buy with my own money,my hard-earned. not to forget, my parents also need my care ( susah payah dorang bangun masakkan aku bekal,urus makan pakai aku,hantar ambil aku p kerja. thanx mumy dady.= smpai aku d gelar anak manja ) secondly is, yaa..most of u know that im a christian, n my bf is muslim right? u got the point there. i need to do few steps for becoming the new family of muslim before i get married. i have to make a  hard decision in my life just for a marriage. ( kalau jodoh aku sma c dia,amin ^__^  ) so, the point is, its not easy to get married. im pretty sure if i have n do all ...

Aku Seorang Pengemis

" Jum p lunch " " Where? " " How about kfc? " " ok." Aku dan ayah melangkah ke kfc dengan di sambut mesra oleh pekerja di sana. Selesai pesan makanan, kami duduk di sudut restoran itu dan bersebelahan kami adalah seorang pakcik tua, berkemeja hitam di satukan dengan seluar panjang, berselipar jepun.  " jam 1 suda kan pakcik? " kata orang tua itu kepada ayahku sambil melihat jam. Ayah cuma mengangguk kepala. Terlintas di fikiranku, siapa pakcik tua tu? Duduk di restoran tapi sedikit makanan pun tiada di hadapannya. Dia hanya duduk melihat kesibukkan orang di sekelilingnya. "siapa tu dady?" "orang gila kali. Just ignore him." Kami menikmati snack plate dan beberapa jenis makanan yang dipesan tapi saya masih dalam keraguan mengenai orang tua tersebut. Betulkah dia orang yang kurang waras ataupun seorang pengemis? Tiba-tiba, seorang pemuda memanggilnya dan memberi dia sekeping duit kertas berwarna ...

Something missing.

morning world ! bgn ja pagi, cm ada yg hilang dalam idup ku. yaa.. lama suda x menyambung hobi..Menulis cerpen.. start masuk poly truz hilang hobi. haha. besa la.. there's no time writing a short stories while u're study-dying the mechanical engineering stuff. TWO DIFFERENT WORLD isn't it?  hobi menulis cerpen / short story ne start since i was in Form 1. i love reading ( except text book & module haha ), i love writing. Mungkin ne la penyebab aku lemah maths time skul dlu.haha tp nevermind la. dapat tebus balik juga kelemahan 2 time d poly ( trkejut bla dapat 4 flat hoho). Kiranya ne, mau jadi novelist la kunun. tapi 2 la. after form 3, PMR memuaskan n dapat masuk science stream. n i was like "omg! thanx God" haha.. u know y?  paam2 la time kita skul. yg result pmr kurang memuaskan p klaz sastera, seni. n d best 1, science stream, account. jadi, pemikiran kita time skul dlu susa ckit. so, time 2 bsyukur sgt dpt masuk science, atleast kita x d pndang rnda...

UUM Student VS Nonsense Lady

hola peepz ! how r u today ? :) tadi aku tgk utube pasal Brave Miss Bawani VS Arrogant Sharifah. quite interesting d forum. C Bawani ni student UUM. Dia ne just menyuarakan pendapat nya ja pn tp c taik2 sharifah 2 p halang, p hambur statement yg dia sndri [n aku rasa dia x sedar pa dia ckap. mau tau knpa? tba2 dia ckp sal haiwan la apa la. weii.. pnya buduh ko ne.  pa kaitan suma 2? the student just giving her opinion but u're d 1 who wanna be listen by everyone. jadi pa la guna kmu buat forum hak bsuara 2? idiot. ko igt ko bckp yg ko pnya ijazah 2 lebih tggi dr student 2, cukup kuota la ko mau tnjuk lagak? student pn hamba Tuhan ba. ada otak juga. nda semestinya ko saja yg pandai bpikir kn. yg kiliknya lagi ne, yg student UUM 2 pn tepuk tgn ja.. yes2 no2 ja.. bukan mau bpikir logik. u just clap ur hand whoever is louder, but u cant think..Everyone hve own opinion...evryone cn talk....but yg tepuk tangan 2 jan la macam lalang....jap sokong ni kejap g sokong tu....jan jadi lem...

impian musnah.

cita-cita musnah apabila c ibu tidak merestui.  how i wish she can understand. hmmmm ~~~